There are certain foods which boosts your immune system, considering the present situation of COVID it is really very important for us to take some foods which boosts our immune system. There are plenty of foods which boost our immune system.

In this COVID 19 pandemic it is really very important to understand that any supplement wont cure or prevent the disease, so it is really mandatory changing your lifestyle, change in diet, physical activities, maintaining hygiene, all these may help you from getting rid of this pandemic COVID 19. And even wearing a mask and sanitizing your hands, and maintaining social distance will even help you to protect yourself from this pandemic.

In this growing pandemic I want to just make you all know what are the foods that will boost your immune system. As your immune system plays a key role in fighting with the corona virus, it is really very important thing to boost your immune system.


As citrus fruits contain more and adequate amount of vitamin c in this pandemic it has a good role to maintain and boost your immune system.

Most of the people will turn straight to vitamin c after suffering with a cold. The reason behind this is vitamin c and citrus fruits will build up the immune system

Vitamin c will even increase the production of white blood cells, as white blood cells are very important in fighting with the infections and also against the foreign bodies which entered into your body. Most of the citrus fruits are always rich in vitamin c

Fruits rich in vitamin c



Grape fruit


Mandarin orange

Key lime


Sweet lemon

 All the fruits listed above contain more amount of vitamin c so as they are called as citrus fruits. Vitamin c even helps you to get rid of cold quickly.


All these are the fruits which are rich in vitamin c and these are also known as the citrus fruits.


Red bell peppers will boost the immune system it is having a rich source of beta carotene which converts into vitamin A in our body. they're low in calories and high in nutrients.

Bell peppers are an exquisite source of beta carotene, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E and folate.

 Per 100 grams of red bell pepper contain around 62% of vitamin A, which makes it a rich source of the vitamin. One medium-sized red bell pepper contains 152 milligrams of vitamin C, or enough to satisfy your RDA. Peppers are also a superb source of beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A (retinol).

 vitamin A is significant for healthy skin, your mucous membranes and your system. Red Bell peppers are rich in many vitamins and antioxidants, especially vitamin C and various carotenoids. For this reason, they'll have several health benefits, like improved eye health and reduced risk of several chronic diseases. beat all, bell peppers are an outstanding addition to a healthy diet. Red peppers pack the foremost nutrition, because they need been on the vine longest.

Green peppers are collected sooner, before they become yellow, orange, and finally red. as soon as Red bell peppers offer nearly 11 times more beta-carotene

Red bell peppers only have 30 calories in every one-cup serving, but raw bell peppers contain 2.5 grams of dietary fiber.


Broccoli may be a good source of fibre and protein, and contains iron, potassium, calcium, selenium and magnesium also because the vitamins A, C, E, K and an honest array of B vitamins including vitamin Bc.

A single serving of broccoli contains an intresting 220percent of the recommended daily value. Vitamin c is important to maintain healthy skin and eyes, but its is also been found to possess an impression on the system.

Taking Vitamin c supplement daily could have big benefits in preventing the vascular disease. In the research conducted by the researchers the activity levels of ET-1 in obese partcipants. ET-1 could even be a vessel constricting protein, and overweight and obese adults have been elevated activity of ET-1, which makes their vessels more likely to constrict and increases the risk of vascular disease.


A low-fat, plant-based diet can help to boost the immune system. To kill bacteria, viruses, and other invaders, the system relies on white blood cells, which contain antibodies. Due to a high intake of vitamins and a low intake of fat, vegetarians have been shown to have simpler white blood cells than nonvegetarians.

1 A healthy diet will also protect you. He tries to keep his dietary fat to a minimum. A healthy diet will also protect you. Dietary fat restriction aids in the strengthening of immune defences. High-fat diets can alter the gut microbiota, which aids immunity, and oil can affect white blood corpuscle function.

 2 Maintaining a healthy weight is also beneficial to the body. Obesity has been linked to a higher risk of flu and other infections such as pneumonia.

 3 Plant-based diets can help you lose weight. since they're high in fibre, which makes you feel full while consuming less calories Fiber will also help you lose weight, which has been related to better immunity.

 4 Inflammatory biomarkers have also been shown to be reduced by eating a plant-based diet.


Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that can improve immune function, such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, Antioxidants are abundant in many grains, fruits, and other plant-based foods, which help to alleviate oxidative stress.

Beta-Carotene: Beta-carotene is a potent antioxidant that can help to minimise inflammation and improve immune function by increasing disease resistance.

Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that aid in the destruction of free radicals while also supporting the body's natural immune response. Red peppers, bananas, strawberries, broccoli, mangoes, lemons, and other fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C. Nuts, seeds, spinach, and broccoli are all good sources of vitamin E.

By lowering the body's generation of proinflammatory chemicals, vitamin D supplementation has been demonstrated to lessen the risk of viral infections, particularly respiratory tract infections.

Vitamin D deficiency has been related to the prevention of other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, and heart disease. Fortified cerea is a good source of vitamin D.

Zinc is a mineral that can aid in the growth of white blood cells, which fight off invaders. Nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, beans, and lentils are all good sources.


Garlic is employed in almost every cuisine on the earth. It gives food a touch zing and is useful to your wellbeing.Its importance within the war against infections was recognised by early civilizations. Garlic also can help to stop artery hardening, and there's some evidence that it's going to help lower vital sign.Garlic's immune-boosting effects appear to flow from to a high sulfur-containing content.

Garlic is now used to treat a number of blood and heart conditions, including atherosclerosis (artery hardening), high cholesterol, heart attack, coronary heart disease, and hypertension.. Garlic is also used to avoid lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer, and colon cancer in some people today.


GINGER is another ingredient that many people turn to when they're sick. Ginger has been shown to minimise inflammation, which can help with sore throats and inflammatory illnesses.

 ginger is also commonly used in sweet desserts, it also contains gingerol, a cousin of capsaicin. Ginger has been shown to help with chronic pain. Trusted Source, and it may even be cholesterol-free. Motion sickness, morning sickness, colic, sore stomach, gas, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, nausea caused by cancer treatment, nausea caused by HIV/AIDS treatment, nausea and vomiting after surgery are all conditions that ginger is usually used to treat.

Gingerol is a strong medicinal compound found in this product.

Can be used to relieve a variety of nausea symptoms, including morning sickness.

It's probable that it'll aid in your weight loss.

Can help with osteoarthritis treatment.

It has the ability to drastically decrease blood sugar levels while also increasing risk factors for heart disease...

Ginger Can help with indigestion treatment.


Spinach it's high in vitamin C, but also because it's high in antioxidants and beta carotene, which can help our immune systems battle infections.

Spinach, like broccoli, is healthiest when cooked as little as possible to preserve its nutrients. Light cooking, on the other hand, makes it easier to consume vitamin A and allows other nutrients to be absorbed. While it is healthy for most people to eat a bowl of spinach every day, excessive spinach consumption should be avoided on a daily basis. If eaten in moderation, consuming spinach every day has no negative consequences.

 Easy Ways to Increase Your Spinach Consumption

Incorporate it into eggs: Spinach and eggs are a match made in heaven.

Make shakes out of it

Change up your salad greens: Instead of lettuce, try a bed of fresh spinach leaves! ......

Add to soups, stews, and stir-fries as follows: In every soup, stew, or stir-fry, spinach adds bulk and nutrients.


Greek yogurt, for example, should have the word "living and active cultures" written on the bottle. These cultures can help your immune system combat diseases by stimulating it.

Clear yogurts are preferable to those that are flavored and filled with sugar. Instead, you can sweeten plain yogurt with fresh fruits and a drizzle of honey.

Yogurt also can be an honest source of vitamin D, so search for products that are fortified with it. vitamin D is assumed to assist control the system and improve the body's natural defences against disease. Clinical studies also are being planned to seem at its impact on COVID-19.

Yogurt is used in the treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and acute diarrhoea in infants, as well as for restoring normal bacteria in the intestine after antibiotic therapy. Yogurt can also be used to treat and prevent yeast and bacteria infections in the vaginal region, as well as urinary tract infections.

Yogurt has a modest amount of almost every vitamin that your body need.

It has a high protein diet.

Some types can help with digestion.

It has the power to enhance your immune system.

It has the potential to prevent you from osteoporosis.

It has the potential to boost your cardiovascular health.

It will help you to lose weight.


vitamin E is usually overshadowed by vitamin C when it involves preventing and treating colds. This potent antioxidant, on the opposite hand, is vital for a healthy system.It's a vitamin, which suggests it requires fat so as to be fully absorbed. Almonds, for instance, are high in vitamin E and contain healthy fats. Adults only require 15 milligrammes of vitamin E each day. Prunus dulcis, also referred to as the fruit tree, produces edible seeds. While they originated within the Middle East, the us has become the world's leading manufacturer. The shell is generally faraway from store-bought almonds, exposing the nut inside. Raw or roasted, they're available

Almonds keep your ticker in good shape. They are high in vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, both of which help oxygen and nutrients circulate more easily into the bloodstream. We all know that hearts symbolise love, so give your ticker some love with almonds. Almonds are a good source of calcium.


Sunflower seeds are high in phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamins B-6 and E, among other nutrients. Vitamin E is essential for immune system regulation and maintenance. Avocados and dark leafy greens are two other foods that are rich in vitamin E.

Sunflower seeds have a lot of selenium in them. One ounce of selenium provides approximately half of the selenium that the average adult needs.

Sunflower seeds, roasted or salted, can be considered a nutritious snack. You may use them to boost the nutritional value of your breakfast cereals by adding fat Sunflower powder or flour can be used in cake recipes, muffin recipes, and bread batters. The nutritional value will considerably rise as a result of this.You don't need to consume a lot of seeds to reap the benefits because they're so nutrient-dense. The exact serving size depends on the type of seed you're consuming, but a 200-calorie serving (about 2 tablespoons) per day is a good general guideline.


Turmeric is a well-known ingredient in many curries. This bright yellow, bitter spice has long been used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as an anti-inflammatory.

High concentrations of curcumin, which gives turmeric its distinctive colour, can help reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, according to ResearchTrusted Source. Curcumin has the potential to be an immune booster.

Turmeric is a spice . In Asian cooking, it's a common ingredient. Turmeric is probably best recognised as the main ingredient in curry. This has a warm, pungent taste and is widely used to taste or colour curry spices, mustards, butters, and cheeses. Turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, have many health advantages. Antioxidants can help to prevent heart disease, eye disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Arthritis sufferers can benefit from anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric can also help to prevent or slow the spread of cancer.


Flavonoids, a sort of antioxidant, are abundant in both green and black teas. Green tea's levels of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), another strong antioxidant, are where it really shines.EGCG has been shown in studies to enhance immune function. Most of the EGCG in tea is destroyed during the fermentation process. Green tea, on the opposite hand, is steamed instead of fermented, so its EGCG content is higher.

Green tea is also high in L-theanine, an amino acid. L-theanine can aid in the formation of germ-fighting chemicals in your T cells.

Tea is strong in polyphenols, which are natural substances that provide health advantages like reducing inflammation and preventing cancer.

. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate is a catechin found in green tea. Catechins are natural antioxidants that help to prevent cell damage and have a variety of other advantages.


Another fruit high in vitamin C is papaya. You can obtain twice the daily recommended amount of vitamin C from a single medium fruit. Papain, a digestive enzyme with anti-inflammatory effects, is also found in papayas.

Papayas are high in potassium, magnesium, and folate, which are all beneficial to your health.


Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and fibre, and they have a number of health benefits. This tangy fruit is good for your heart, digestion, and immunity. The kiwi is a nutritious fruit that is high in vitamins and antioxidants.

The contribution of vitamin C to a balanced, natural energy metabolism is the ideal counter to tiredness and fatigue. Fortunately, both Zespri Green and SunGold kiwifruit have three times as much Vitamin C as oranges.


It's more than the placebo effect that makes you feel better when you reach for chicken soup when you're sick. The soup can help to reduce inflammation, which may help to alleviate cold symptoms.

Vitamin B-6 is abundant in poultry, such as chicken and turkey. Nearly one-third of your daily recommended amount of B-6 is contained in 3 ounces of light turkey or chicken meat. Vitamin B-6 is a crucial nutrient.

Vitamin B-6 is involved in a variety of chemical reactions that occur in the body. It's also important for the production of new, healthy red blood cells.

Gelatin, chondroitin, and other nutrients contained in stock or broth made from boiling chicken bones aid gut healing and immunity.



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Unknown said…
Very informative and well written Meghana.... keep it up 👍
Unknown said…
Good valuable information
Unknown said…
Food that boost immune Systeme XcelLent👌👏👏
Anonymous said…
Much needed information in these days. Well written blog.
Pharmadian said…
Great work keep doing 👏
Unknown said…
Very informative and good presentation.keep it up, meghana
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Great job akka
Swarupa Arvapalli said…
Good work. Keep it up 👍
Unknown said…
Very informative.Good work.keep it up meghana👍
. said…
Good job
Very useful information
Bittu said…
Very Good information Meghana Goud Good job Keep it up 👍
Unknown said…
Very useful information suitable to this pandemic situation good job meghana
Unknown said…
Dr. Nagaraju Potnuri

Good informative description with detailed explanation, keep it up.

Present days it is very useful for each and every person.

All the best for your bright future.
Anitha said…
Well done, expecting more from you Doc
Unknown said…
Good work Meghana.... keep it up
Anonymous said…
Very good information👍
Shyamala said…
Very useful information and well presented. Keep going on Meghana.
Spoorthy Reddy said…
Very informative meghana
G Ramakrishna said…
Good information Meghana good Good keep it up 👍🏻
Unknown said…
Nice meghana... Good information
Vishnu Priya said…
Good information meghana👍
Anonymous said…
Excellent work

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